This class is 2.5 hours of content devoted to all aspects of infant feeding. The bulk of the class is devoted to breastfeeding but there are sections on pumping, supplementing, and formula feeding.
A 35-page packet designed to provide support for families in cross-cultural environments, emphasizing the importance of healthy processing and taking time to heal from the profound loss of your child.
Six pages of questions to help you process your own desires for your birth and how to articulate good questions for your provider.
A workbook designed to guide you through processing and debriefing your journey to parenthood, cross-cultural transition, and pregnancy so that you are in a healthy place before your birth.
The Expat Birth Class is a birth education class that is totally online so it can be done on your own time (and timezone). All the traditional birth education is included with bonus material for the special nuances that impact pregnancy and birth abroad.